State Management

For larger Angular applications with a lot of asynchronous activity and where there's a lot of state that is being shared and manipulated across multiple components and modules, managing state can be quite challenging. In a typical application, we're managing things like:

  • Data that comes from the server and whether it's pending or resulted in an


  • UI state like toggles, alerts and errors messages

  • User input, such as form submissions, filters and search queries
  • Custom themes, credentials and localization
  • Many other types of state

As the application grows, how do we know that a state change in one module will consistently and accurately reflected in other modules? And what if these modifications result in even more state changes? Eventually, it becomes extremely difficult to reason about what's actually happening in your application, and be a large source of bugs.

In Angular, there are 3 main ways to solve this problem.

  1. Redux using @ngrx;
  2. Redux using ng2-redux; and
  3. Angular Services and RxJS.

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